Characterization & Modelling Services
We offer:
Simulation Models
In building specific simulation tools, the requirements of the simulation models are taken into account. This should ensure that the process is useful, reproducible and can provide comparable results. In addition, an extensive report concerning the model is provided.
Our INVIO software package contains a number of provided models for exclusive use in connection with INVIO. Specific models can be integrated into INVIO easily. CAN models are also supported as are LIN and FlexRay models.
We offer:
Cable Characterization
Transmission lines are very complex with big impact on the signal integrity. Since precise models are typically not provided by the manufactures, we offer services to characterize and model specific transmission lines for the full temperature range.
We offer:
Transceiver Models
To create a basis for the requirements for simulations models, the GIFT/ICT consortium has developed and adopted a standard for transceiver models.
The standard Requirement Specification for Transceiver Simulation Models (V1.1, 2010-02) describes the requirements of the implementation of a model, the requirements for the documentation of the implementation and the final support.
The standard is designed to create comparable and reproducible results.
We offer:
Model Validation
The simulation of complex systems requires reliable simulation models. Simulation models must behave as its real counterpart and it must be suitable for the simulation.
Validation of your Specific Model
A test is used to validate specific simulation models systematically and comprehensibly. Simulation models are tested against its underlying specification and the specification of its real counterpart. After the completion you will receive an extensive report.
Validation of Transceiver Models
Based on the test specification for transceiver models “Model Conformance Test Specification (V1.1, 2010-02)”we can offer the performance of conformance tests and the validation of your transceiver model. The behavior and the simulation parameters of your model are checked for compliance with the data sheets and measurements of its real counterpart and with the required specifications for transceiver models – both for the single transceiver and in a predefined network.