Ecological. Economical. Social.
C&S Sustainability Guideline
Today, sustainability is no longer just an ‘environmental issue’. In addition to protecting the earth, sustainable action should also improve living conditions on the entire planet.
In this respect, sustainability is becoming a comprehensive task for all companies.
Our sustainability policy sets out our position on the social, ecological and economic aspects of sustainability.
Our sustainability concept contains our Code of Conduct and our procedures and regulations on topics such as
- business ethics and compliance
- working conditions
- human rights
- environment
What we expect from suppliers
We also expect the suppliers and service providers with whom we work to act sustainably in line with our Sustainability Guideline for Suppliers and Service Providers.
Assessment of our sustainability performance with SAQ 4.0
We regularly share information on our sustainability performance via the SAQ (Selbstauskunftsfragebogen) in the automotive sector. The SAQ contains the automotive industry’s guiding principles for improving sustainability in the supply chain.
By answering the SAQ questions, participating companies provide information on the status of sustainability implementation in their company.
Our current status: SAQ 4.0 completed.