Audit mechanism on information security requirements
Our guidelines for information security
We protect any kind of information.
We are aware of the problems and importance of security and the protection of information.
We respect our customers who entrust us with valuable information.
We operate the protection of information not as an ‘annoying must’ but with the understanding of the consequences that inadequate protection may have.
We are constantly improving our information security by questioning and checking it regularly and event-related.
Information security
Confidential information and property rights of customers and employees of the C&S group must be protected!
Through our information security management system, we therefore want to protect any kind of information.
We regard as worthy of protection everything that
- belongs to or concerns customers
- belongs to or concerns employees
- is relevant for the continuity of business operations.
This includes, in particular, all data covered by the General Data Protection Regulation.
What is TISAX?
TISAX is an information security standard defined by the automotive industry.
For many automobile manufacturers, certification according to TISAX is a prerequisite for cooperation with companies. For this purpose, the German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA) has created the requirements catalogue VDA/ISA, which is based on the ISO/IEC 27001 Information technology – Security techniques – Information security management systems – Requirements.
Our certification took place after extensive assessment by the authorised testing service provider DEKRA Certification.
If you would like to learn more about TISAX, please have a look at the TISAX.